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Sunshine Acres Labradoodles & Goldendoodles - Labradoodle - Breed Information and Breeder Directory
Dog Breeds Blog - Daily information about dog breeds, dog care, dog health, and dog training. Complete with dog pictures! Also, discover the latest dog books and products here.
International Australian Labradoodle Association, Inc. - The International Australian Labradoodle Association (IALA) is a Global Organization consisting of independent Regional Sister Associations each operating under the guidance of their own individual Code of Ethics and Elected Officers committed to the Labradoodle and Australian Labradoodle breed.
The IALA is a global body of Sister Associations working together guided by high standards and ethical behavior in breeding.
Australian Labradoodle Association of America, Inc. - If you want to buy a top-notch Australian Labradoodle or Labradoodle you want to find a top-notch breeder. The ALAA extends membership to the best of the best Australian Labradoodle and Labradoodle breeders in the world.
Breeder Applicants must prove they follow the IALA/ALAA?s strict Health Testing Standards and stringent Code of Ethics before they are offered membership.
Labradoodle information - Labradoodle information - the best of both breeds.