Labradoodle and Goldendoodle breeder Michael Waggenbach, of Sunshine Acres, adds this comment about Labradoodles, “They’re a dog that is not fearful of change and is not going to be afraid to step across a street with a person behind them. Those are strengths of the Labradoodle. The other strength of the Labradoodle is it’s a very strong dog, physically strong.."
Australian Multi-Gen Labradoodle breeder Judy Hickey of Snug Harbor Labradoodles adds this bit of advice, “I think the biggest thing for the public to know is to be careful when you’re getting an Australian Labradoodle. If that’s really what you want, make sure the lines actually come from Australia.”
In addition to the multi-generational Labradoodle breeding, there is the F1 and F1B breeding style, which is also an acceptable form of breeding, recognized by the Australian Labradoodle Association (ALA) and the International Labradoodle Association (ILA ). These are also wonderful family pets.
The Australian Labradoodle Association (ALA) and the International Labradoodle Association (ILA ) are the two primary breeding registry organizations upholding the breeding standards of the Labradoodle breed. There is also the Australian Labradoodle Club of America (ACLA) whose focus is solely the Australian Multi-Generational Labradoodle.
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