Labradoodle Rescue
Additional Articles

7 Dog Training Tips That Work!

(Click The Link For
More Info On Each Step)

#1 Potty Training Tips

3 easy potty training techniques to get dog's to only pee outside.

#2 Stop Your Dog's Chewing in 36 Hours!

Watch an 11 week old puppy being taught to stop chewing in 2 days!

#3 How To Stop That Annoying, Territorial Barking in Minutes!

5 simple backyard drills you can do to stop annoying barking.

#4 A Gentle Method To Stop Leash Pulling

How to cure leash pulling in 5 minutes without a choke collar.

#5 How To Quit Jumping Up On People

2 minutes of this non-aggressive technique will stop your dog from jumping on people.

For The Other Two Techniques Click Here

Adopting An Adult Labradoodle

Adopting a grown Labradoodle is a challenge, unlike a puppy, where you are the first one to establish rules and show kindness and love.

The adult dog carries baggage of other rules and treatment. How he responds to your way is going to depend on changes in lifestyle and acceptance.

You might want to modify some of your rules, just as with a teenager or an elderly parent. Make him one of the clan.

Kindness will bring him close and earn his love and loyalty. Older dogs can take from six months to a year to adjust.

You do not want the dog running off, so confine him to the yard with a leash or fence for at least six months.

Walk him on a leash around the area, going different directions so he knows how to get back to his "den."

Bonding with the dog lets him know you are his friend.

Like a puppy, your adult dog depends on you to teach him manners so that he is welcome in your lifestyle with your friends.


1. Begin bonding the first two weeks. Tie him to you when he is in the house and only go to areas that he can visit. Introduce him to the potty spot in the yard by leading him there.

Say "Potty" and let him sniff around in the area. Pat his head and tell him how good he is when he goes.

2. Give him some "off-leash" time in the third week while he is in the house. Let him out to run, play and potty often.

3. Perhaps you adopted a Toy mix or breed. Allow a month for the first two steps. This is true for dogs raised in and kept at a kennel.

4. Have an established place for the dog when you leave. Roaming the house is not an option. A pen, a crate in the house or a secured yard is the right choice.

5. Your adult dog may have learned outdoor bathroom habits with his previous family and will ask to go outside right away.

It may take three to four months to get the idea, but you should have an indication sooner than that.

Sleeping Area

1. Introduce the dog to his sleeping area.

2. If he will be sleeping in the house, take him for a walk or let him out just before bedtime to do his business.

3. Make his bed area welcoming with a bed, crate or rug. Leave a bowl of fresh water nearby and tie him on a short lead so he can reach the water and the bed.

4. Outdoor sleeping should be in a dry, warm protected corner sheltered from the wind. A doghouse should have a soft pad and blanket.

Your yard should be secure to protect him and prevent your Labradoodle from leaving.


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