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The Rules For Your New Labradoodle Puppy

The rules you establish for your Labradoodle puppy should also be followed by your children. The best way to get kids to cooperate is to make the rules seem like a game.

Again, you want the whole family on the same page, or later training will become that much more difficult.


Training Tips To Get Your Labradoodle To Obey!

Here's Chet Womach talking about his course.

You can get the free video Chet mentions by Clicking Here.


Puppies bring out the best and worst in people, especially with kids. When kids have a bad day at school or in the playground, they will take it out on a puppy through rough play and teasing.

Kids also have a tendency to take their anger out on a pup if she destroys one of their favorite toys.

This is a good time to teach kids the importance of putting their toys away. Otherwise, there are consequences, such as coming home to chewed up toys. This teaches them the responsibility of picking up after themselves.

I think it helps to hold weekly powwows with the family to make sure members can vent their frustration about what the puppy is doing. The worst thing to happen is for a family member to vent their frustration on the pet.

Lifestyle Changes

Having a puppy is a serious commitment, and the first six months will change your life. You won't be able to work overtime as easily, you won't be able to go to your favorite restaurant or watering hole after work, and you won't be able to stay out as late or sleep in on weekends.

The reason for this is simple - your Labradoodle puppy will need to be taken out early in the morning and periodically throughout the day and night. A puppy cannot hold its urine for long periods of time during the first months.

If you don't feel you can make this kind of commitment, then be honest with yourself. Maybe now isn't the best time to own a puppy. As some adults elect to have a child later in life, maybe you should wait for a better time to bring a puppy into your home.

Another aspect you must think about is establishing a regular routine. Puppies thrive with a scheduled routine, especially when it comes to feeding times and potty times. An erratic schedule will have negative effects when training your puppy.

Owning a dog is a ten to fifteen-year commitment. Yes, it does get easier after the first year, but keep in mind that even an adult dog still needs a regular schedule, plenty of exercise and a healthy amount of attention.

If you are still at the research stage of deciding to be a dog owner, this is the best time to consider these issues. It's easy to buy a puppy - everyone falls in love with a puppy - but it is very difficult to return a puppy once you bring it home.


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